Stories, updates and general woolgatherings……
Jess: The Wallflowers Effect
This is a guest blog post by my brilliant assistant Jess. I know you might think that as I'm Sue's assistant I am a little biased. (Maybe I am!!) But I haven't always worked for The Mercerie. Before I got…
Mocha Mousse, Epochs and Neutrality
*Please note; what follows are the thoughts of a professional day dreamer and do not in any way constitute advice on how to navigate the future. Other opinions are available on line. MOCHA MOUSSE In case you haven’t heard; Pantone’s…
On Burnout, a Road Trip and Quiet Isolation
This year’s been a roller coaster for me and I’ve had little time, or energy, to write regular blog posts. But when I haven’t written for a while my head feels like there’s a carnival and a riot going on…
Reprogramming Crochet Classes: From Remote to IRL
Q: What's wrong with the world? A: We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness. Tom Waits Interviews Tom Waits: 2008 If we didn’t already…
Making Textiles: Making Meaning
This blog post is adapted from a podcast in the Tessellation Nation crochet design course. It’s one in a series of motivational podcasts I make to help keep course members on track, and connected to our projects and our wider…
Jess: ‘Start with ‘Homage to the Granny Square’
This is a guest blog post by my brilliant assistant Jess. I have the pleasure of working for The Mercerie (I know – dream job right?) and I’m often answering lots of emails and questions about the wonderful crochet courses…