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Stories, updates and general woolgatherings……

Making Textiles: Making Meaning

This blog post is adapted from a podcast in the Tessellation Nation  crochet design course. It’s one in a series of motivational podcasts I make to help keep course members on track, and connected to our projects and our wider…

Jess: ‘Start with ‘Homage to the Granny Square’

This is a guest blog post by my brilliant assistant Jess. I have the pleasure of working for The Mercerie (I know – dream job right?) and I’m often answering lots of emails and questions about the wonderful crochet courses…

Crochet, Clichés and Divine Intervention: Four Ways to Improve your Design Skills

I don’t think it’s possible to reverse engineer a design process - but I do think it’s possible to become a better designer by the things that you do and the things that you expose yourself to. “Art School’s like…

Nostalgia and Christmas Trinkets.

I know I’m not the only person who finds the weeks and days leading up to Christmas difficult. It amazes me that some people are in their absolute element organising, planning and carefully wrapping gifts weeks ahead of the big…

On Culture, Community and Travelling Bravely.

How do YOU feel about travelling alone? I’m not a brave traveller, and I don't find it easy,  so making the decision to travel to Canada and the US by myself was, in itself, a brave act for me. Whilst…

TESSELLATION NATION: Five is the Magic Number

Someone once told me I’d never make a living doodling and daydreaming…… I doodle a lot. And I mean A LOT I scribble over everything, especially when I’m thinking, daydreaming, problem solving, on hold to Paypal - AGAIN, or trying…

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