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Stories, updates and general woolgatherings……

Breathing Space: Crochet Retreats with The Mercerie

One of my greatest pleasures is connecting and bringing people together,  in virtual spaces and in real life. But as a rather awkward introvert myself I’m super sensitive to group dynamics and understand the importance of spaces that feel friendly, welcoming…

Why Originality is Overrated

“You're very creative, where do you get your ideas from?” This is a question I get asked a lot and I generally reply with an incoherent mumbling of unsatisfactory explanations  by which time the person who asked the question has…

What’s the Point of Art?

If you ask 10 people this question it’s likely you’ll get 10 different answers which may look something like this; To look good on a wall To challenge ways of seeing the world Autobiography Catharsis Documentation Investment potential To illustrate…

On Crochet, Connectivity and Why I Know You Can Make It….

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” Henry Ford How often do you talk yourself out of doing something because you tell yourself you can’t. You say; "I don’t have the skills" "I don’t…

Susan Lacks Imagination

  “To be creative you actually have to do something.”   Ken Robinson Do you tell yourself that you’re not a creative person? Do you think creativity is reserved for ‘artistic’ people who are blessed with natural talent? Did anyone ever tell…

GLORIA: Dancing on a Knife Edge

“Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” - Friedrich Nietzsche Back in December 2021 I was preparing to launch GLORIA- my latest online crochet course. I knew I wasn’t ready…

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