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Stories, updates and general woolgatherings……

Picking Up the Threads

In early 2020, just before the world changed, I ran a community crochet project at The Forum in Norwich as part of the Norfolk Makers Festival. I love collaborations and any other excuse to bring people together with a shared…

It’s About Time

For me 2022 marks 10 years of The Mercerie and it’s a milestone I honestly never thought I’d reach. That’s a whole decade of a precarious lifestyle built on not much more than a laptop, some yarn and a handful…

Snowflakes and Paper Cut-Outs

It’s grey in the UK today. Outside the sky is grey, the morning fog is grey, the news is grey and I have to remind myself that grey is just a ‘colour’ - not a state of mind. In fact grey…

GLORIA and The Lighthouse Customers

You probably know by now that I’m getting ready for my next online crochet course and I have to confess that I feel like I'm walking across a highwire. It feels scary. I feel like I shouldn’t be here and…

Botanical Opticals and Other Repeating Patterns

How good are you at filtering out the noise? How do you manage the unnecessary and annoying distractions that surround you everyday; the ones that pull at your strings or attempt to seduce you with a hundred different attention seeking…

From Chaos to Quiet (Drowning Monkeys in a Sound Bath)

PROLOGUE How often do you stall on a craft project? Why do some of your projects languish as WIP’s for months, even years? I have one particular project that’s stalled for several weeks now and I’ve already pressed the buzzer…

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